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    Carers Week 2024


    Carers Week is an annual awareness campaign to celebrate and recognise the vital contribution made by the UK's 5.7 million carers.  This year Carers Week is from 10th-16th June.  Carers Week aims to highlight the challenges faced by carers, and recognise the outstanding contribution that unpaid carers make to their families, friends ...

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    Men's Health Week 10th-16th June 2024


    It's Men's Health Week 2024. This week presents a valuable opportunity to prioritize men's well-being, address health challenges, and promote healthy lifestyles. The week aims to raise awareness of men's health and to encourage all men to seek help to address any health concerns that they may be experiencing. Men's Health Week is observed ever...

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    Stress Awareness Month Part 2

    Stress Awareness Month

    Last week I wrote a blog post about Stress Awareness, where I touched on the 30 day challenge set by The Stress Management Society, go and check it out if you haven't already! Click here: Stress Awareness Month This week I want to share with you some more helpful tips and tricks for managing stress and share some incredible FREE resources...

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    Stress Awareness Month


    Stress Awareness month is a national and annual campaign ran by The Stress Management Society to raise awareness of stress and how it impacts our wellbeing, to create a safe space for dialogues surrounding stress and to tackle, reduce and remove the stigma of stress. This year's theme is Little by Little, a little becomes a lot. #Lit...

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    Happy Holi!

    Happy Holi

    Happy Holi from us at The Recovery College! Holi is a vibrant Hindu celebration! It celebrates the beginning of Spring, Colour, Love, and the triumph of good over evil. This year, Holi falls on Monday, 25 March. The timing of Holi depends on the moon, which means the date of the event can vary. For more information about this celebra...

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    Happy Easter


    In the Christian Calendar, Palm Sunday (Sunday 24th March 2024) marks the beginning of Holy Week.  Christians across the world gather throughout the week to reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. To learn more about Easter, click here: About Easter - Easter Customs and Traditions - WhyEaster.com The Rec...

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    International Day of Happiness

    Day of Happiness

    Today is International Day of Happiness! It is a day which aims to promote happiness and compassion in our world. To celebrate the power of happiness, to transform lives and make the world a better place for all. Here are four things you can do to help build a happier community where you are! 1. Give positive comments to as many people as you ...

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    World Sleep Day

    World Sleep Day 2024

    15th March is recognised as World Sleep Day. It is an annual event focusing on the importance of sleep. Sleep improves cognition, concentration, productivity, and overall mental health. (World Sleep Day 2024 - Awareness Days Events Calendar 2024) Did you know that we spend approximately a third of our lives asleep? Sleep is an essent...

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    Ramadan Mubarak

    Ramadan Mubarak to all who celebrate from The Recovery College! We wish you a happy and peaceful month. Ramadan begins on the 11th March and ends on the 9th April. The month of Ramadan will see Muslims all over the world fasting and praying, breaking their fast at sundown alongside family and friends. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic ...

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    International Women's Day 2024

    International Womens Day 2024

    It's the 8th March which means it is International Women's Day! International Women's day gives us the opportunity to celebrate all the women in our lives - your mum, sister, daughter, friend, colleague - the list goes on! It is a day to celebrate the achievements of women throughout history and inspire future generations.  At T...

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    LGBTQ+ History Month Round-up

    LGBTQ History Month  Round Up

    Over the month of February, The team at The Recovery College have been celebrating LGBTQ+ History month, Let's look back at some of the moments from the past month! The theme this year is #Underthescope. The 2024 theme celebrates LGBT+ peoples' contribution to the field of Medicine and Healthcare both historically and today. At ...

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    Lunar New Year of The Dragon!


    Lunar New Year officially started on Friday 9 February, the day before Lunar New Year with the festivities lasting for 15 days. The two week festival marks the beginning of a New Lunar Year and a new animal represents the Zodiac for the upcoming year. Over a billion people celebrate this holiday each year. There have been celebrations acr...

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    Happy Diwali

    Yesterday marked the start of the celebration of Diwali, mostly well known for being the festival of light. The festival is celebrated over five days to respect the goddess of wealth Lakshmi, where small oil lamps (Diya's) are lighted and placed in their windows to help Lakshmi into there home. Ever...

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    Celebrate Diwali at Darlaston Library


    Celebrate the festival of light this November at Darlaston Library and get creative. All families are welcome to come along and join. Both events will be taking place on Friday 3rd November and Saturday 4th November further details about each event below.  Friday 3rd November  10am till 4pm - Drop in Craft Activities: Creating D...

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