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    Happy Diwali

    Yesterday marked the start of the celebration of Diwali, mostly well known for being the festival of light. The festival is celebrated over five days to respect the goddess of wealth Lakshmi, where small oil lamps (Diya's) are lighted and placed in their windows to help Lakshmi into there home. Every year across the world people celebrate Diwali in many different ways by praying, decorating their homes with lamps and lights, exchanging gifts and sweets and taking the streets to join celebrations with fireworks and dancing.

    There are so many different events taking place across the Black Country to celebrate Diwali this year, so stay tuned as we share what's going on.

    Come and join with the Spiritual Care Team for their online Festival of Light. We can spread some light, hope and joy around, a universal message so needed today. An opportunity to celebrate Diwali, as well as other light festivals, as we hear about Diwali lamps, learn more about Diwali traditions and of course take our festival quiz.

    On Monday 27th November from 12pm till 1pm on (Zoom), to book your space contact our team on the following.

    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0121 543 4061.

    Please note this event is for current Recovery College students only.

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