Our blog

    DY1 Open Day & World Mental Health Day

    DY1 Open Day in Conjunction with World Mental Health Day

    The Recovery College for the Black Country is excited to announce a new open day to welcome prospective students to their life-changing courses, to coincide with World Mental Health Day. The Recovery College provides an educational learning environment for people who have an interest in, or personal difficulties with, mental health. Courses at the ...

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      267 Hits

    Congratulations Liane and Kiran!

    Liane and Kiran Graduate

    Here at the Recovery College we are all about celebrating the successes of our staff and students. So it gives us great pleasure to announce that Liane, Deputy Principal and Kiran, Lead Facilitator have recently gained some amazing qualifications! Liane has gained her Cert Ed and Kiran her PGCE! Well done both, we are very proud of you and your inc...

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      359 Hits

    Commissioning of Community Sector Training Courses Pilot Project: Second Round

    RC Commissioning

    The Recovery College for the Black Country is really excited to be able to inform you that "The Commissioning of Community Sector Training Courses Pilot Project" will be continuing and launching a second round!  The Recovery College has been allocated a total of approximately £100K to continue to commission small to large community o...

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      370 Hits

    Accessing help in my Community - RC Hub Highlights


    Next in our RC Hub Highlights series, I'm going to show you three resources from our next category - Accessing Help in My Community. You can access all of our resources for free, download and save for later! Through this series we are shining a light on the amazing resources you can access on the Hub to help you on your recovery journey. ...

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      431 Hits

    Donna's Story - National Volunteers Week

    Donna-English-Day A Day in the Life of..Donna English A Recovery College Volunteer

    At The Recovery College, our Volunteers are an important part of the college. Earlier this year, we sat down with Donna to film a series of videos about her time at the college as a volunteer.  In our conversation with Donna we covered topics such as what she has learned as a volunteer, her previous volunteering experi...

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      507 Hits

    Come and Join our Online Information Session, Friday 31st May!


    Come and meet members of our friendly team on Zoom, this Friday from 1pm - 2pm. Here you will get to hear a bit about what we do, our ethos and the courses we can provide to help individuals with their recovery journey. We will also discuss where our bases are around the Black Country as well as our social media presence and handy website links. Th...

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      414 Hits

    Co-Production Guidance: A Black Country Guide for those looking to Co-produce

    Co-Production Guidance: A Black Country Guide for those looking to Co-produce

    Co-production is one of the most important elements of our work at the Recovery College. Co-production means working together to do something different. It is about people with different views and ideas coming together to make things better for everyone. In the recovery college we take a co-production approach, meaning people with personal exp...

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      637 Hits

    Living a Healthier Life - RC Hub Highlights

    RC-Hub Highlights 5

    Next in our RC Hub Highlights series, I'm going to show you three resources from the fourth category.. Living a Healthier Life. You can access each of these categories on The Recovery College Website under the RC Hub tab. You can download any of these resources and save for later! Through this series we are shining a light on th...

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      427 Hits

    RC Hub Highlights

    Managing and Improving My Mental Health

    Have you had chance to explore the RC hub yet? There are 9 categories for you to explore, today we're looking at Managing and Improving my Mental Health. The RC Hub is a mental health, recovery, health and wellbeing resource library, for people living in the Black Country. It is evergrowing with new activities, leaflets, videos and other tools to h...

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      620 Hits

    A Day in the Life of...Darren Williams


    At The Recovery College co-production is at the heart of everything we do. We recently interviewed Darren, asking him a series of questions relating to volunteering and co-production. A Day in the Life of...Darren Williams, A Recovery College Volunteer (youtube.com) Darren is a student at The Recovery College and he has co-produced the Men's W...

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      687 Hits

    Stress Awareness Month Part 2

    Stress Awareness Month

    Last week I wrote a blog post about Stress Awareness, where I touched on the 30 day challenge set by The Stress Management Society, go and check it out if you haven't already! Click here: Stress Awareness Month This week I want to share with you some more helpful tips and tricks for managing stress and share some incredible FREE resources...

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      500 Hits

    Recovery College Newsletter April 2024

    Recovery College Newsletter April 2024

    Our new Recovery College Newsletter has gone live! Here we're looking over our Spring term and preparing ourselves for a sizzling Summer. In this newsletter you will find: Principal's message from the amazing Kerry WilkesSpring Refresher! What are Recovery Colleges?Our new timetable - both physical and onlineWhere can you find us? De...

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      584 Hits

    Stress Awareness Month


    Stress Awareness month is a national and annual campaign ran by The Stress Management Society to raise awareness of stress and how it impacts our wellbeing, to create a safe space for dialogues surrounding stress and to tackle, reduce and remove the stigma of stress. This year's theme is Little by Little, a little becomes a lot. #Lit...

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      890 Hits

    Day in the Life Of.. Tracey

    A Day in the Life of..

     A few weeks ago we had the privilege of chatting to Tracey, a former Recovery College student. Tracey sat down with Zak to talk about her time at the Recovery College, what courses she enjoyed and what she is doing now! This video has now gone LIVE on our YouTube channel.  You can watch the video by following this link!&nb...

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      447 Hits

    Recovery College Job Positions Deadline Today!


    Great news! We are recruiting for the following:4 x Facilitator Roles - Job Advert (jobs.nhs.uk)1 x Lead Facilitator Role - Job Advert (jobs.nhs.uk)2 x Learning Support Assistant Roles - Job Advert (jobs.nhs.uk)The deadline for applications is Monday 11th March. Full job descriptions and person specs can be found in the links provide...

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      715 Hits

    LGBTQ+ History Month - Recommendations to Watch and Read

    lgbtq history month

    As we continue our celebration of LGBTQ+ History month and the 2024 theme of Medicine, We have compiled a list of compelling TV shows/ Films and books for you. 1 - THIS IS GOING TO HURT - Based on the gay British comedy writer Adam Kay's diaries as a Junior Doctor, this medical comedy-drama focuses on Kay's experience worki...

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      620 Hits

    A Day in the Life of...Filming!

    Day in the Life Of...Filming

    Yesterday we had the privilege of filming one of our prior students, Tracey. She opened up about her time at the Recovery College, what courses she enjoyed and life after study. We can't wait to get this up on our YouTube page because it really is a positive gem. Tracey was interviewed by one of our facilitators, Zak. His enthusiasm was s...

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      694 Hits

    Tai Chi Course Places Available

    Tai Chi places available

    We have places on our Tai Chi course available for this term. These will be delivered via Zoom and face to face in our Walsall base. If you are interested in a set of sessions introducing you to the principles of Tai Chi, gentle flowing movements, focusing on posture, breath and total relaxation, then enrol now! This is open to new and existing stu...

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      501 Hits

    The Recovery College Celebrates LGBTQ+ History Month!

    LGBTQ+ History Month 2024

    The team at the Recovery College are celebrating LGBTQ+ History month throughout February. All our staff all believe in the importance of this celebration and will be adding their thoughts and experiences to this blog throughout the month. We will be providing helpful links, contacts and quotes until the 28th February, so watch this space! 

      687 Hits

    Principal's Drop In Session February 7th

    Principals Drop In Feb March

    Would you like to speak to the Recovery College Principals? Do you have any burning questions or suggestions for the College and how it is run? Then this is the chance for you to speak with Kerry Wilkes and Liane Howe. Feel free to share your ideas in a welcoming environment. If you would like to book a place please email: info@therecoverycollege.c...

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      562 Hits
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