Our blog

    Let's Mindfulness Walk


    Come an join Canal River Trust for a free session of mindfulness walk down Galton Valley Canal Smethwick. The opportunity to explore the local canal wildlife and majestic green spaces. Starting location will be at Brasshouse Community Centre, Brasshouse Lane, Smethwick B66 1BA.  (Please remember to wear weather appropriate clothing and bring w...

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    Weekly Walks in Oldbury


    Do you want to improve your wellbeing and social connectedness? Come along and join STEPWAY for their Free Weekly Wellbeing Walks taking place every Wednesday from 9.30am till 10.30am in Oldbury. Research shows that the benefits of walking in nature is not only great for your physical health, but your mental wellbeing ...

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    LGBTQ+ Walks


    Come along every Sunday of every month at 11am till 12pm for Sandwell's LGBTQ+ Walk. Enjoy the benefits of being out in nature and our green spaces whilst meeting others. Meeting point will be outside the Pavilion at West Smethwick Park B67 7JJ (Please consider your own needs before you take part and if necessary, seek medical advice before attendi...

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    Ramblers Wellbeing Walks


    Come along and join Ramblers Wellbeing Walks from every Friday, meet at 9.15am to then start the walk at 9.30am till 11am. Meeting point is at Provision House, High Street in Dudley. All walks are local and accessible for both on foot or by public transport. Walks are hosted by experienced Ramblers Wellbeing Walk Volunteers...

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    Let's Mindfulness Walk


    Come along and join for a free Mindfulness Walk down Galton Valley Canal Smethwick. A chance to explore our greenspaces and majestic scenery of the local canal this summer!  On Tuesday 18th July 2023 at 10.30am till 11.30am Meeting point will be at the Brasshouse Community Centre, Brasshouse Lane, Smethwick B66 1BA Wear weather appro...

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    Let's Get Walking!

    Image shows lemon yellow background with a blank white box in the top left. Let's Get Walking is written in bold black text in the box.  To the right are logos for Wellbeing Walks (Sandwell Strides) and Healthy Sandwell in green capital letters. Below are purple boxes headed Where? and When? on the left and right of the image respectively.

    Looking to do some walking and feel better mentally and physically? Our friends the Ramblers are offering free walks every week across Tipton, Wednesbury, West Brom, Smethwick and Rowley Regis. It's almost impossible not to feel good when you're walking outdoors – it's a natural mood-booster! And the great news is you don't need to walk far or...

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