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    "How can I manage and improve my mental health?" Try The Recovery College Hub


    This is a question that many people ask. We all experience Mental Health challenges in our lives. We have created The RC Hub to support you on your mental health journey. The RC Hub is a mental health, recovery, health and wellbeing resource library, for people living in the Black Country and beyond. It is ever-growing with new activities, leaflets, videos and other tools to help you.

    We are shining a light on the amazing resources you can access on the Hub to help you on your recovery journey. This category is called Managing and Improving my Mental Health. 

    Access the tab here - https://www.therecoverycollege.co.uk/the-hub/improving-my-mental-health

    There are heaps of resources in this category, apps such as Headspace where you can access evidence-based Meditation and mental health coaching, videos covering a variety of topics and many online guides and websites.

    One of the most popular items in this tab is a Relaxing and Calming Exercises video. If you are feeling anxious, scared or panicked there are many things you can do to help yourself cope. This link showcases a number of videos for different situations such as Breathing Exercises, Meditation, Active Relaxation Techniques and more.  https://www.therecoverycollege.co.uk/the-hub/improving-my-mental-health/video/47-relaxing-and-calming-exercises-mind-1

    A popular activity to help when you need grounding is Colour Breathing. We can use colour to influence our emotions. This could be by wearing a certain colour, drinking or eating something that is a specific colour, visualising a colour or surrounding ourselves with a colour e.g Green - going for a walk and observing each shade of green that you see. For more details on Colour Breathing and what different colours can mean have a look at this worksheet on the RC Hub - https://www.therecoverycollege.co.uk/the-hub/improving-my-mental-health/guides/71-colour-breathing

    A guide to Creating a Hopebox - A HOPEBOX is for you. This means that you need to make sure that it includes what you need it to and that you call it what you want to. You can call it anything that makes you feel comfortable. The idea behind this box is that it is filled with things that can help you to feel better. When you're feeling upset or anxious you can use the box as a way to feel better.  Trigger warning: this booklet contains references to themes of Suicide which some individuals may find distressing'.   https://www.therecoverycollege.co.uk/the-hub/improving-my-mental-health/guides/186-what-is-a-hopebox

    To access the RC Hub follow these directions: 

    Click on The Recovery College Website 

    At the top of our website there are 6 tabs, Click on The RC Hub 

    There you will find two lists, one list is all the pathways, this will help you be more specific in what you are looking for.

    The other list is our Top 10s, this list shows the most popular content on the hub

    We encourage you to explore the Managing and Improving my mental health tab on the hub there are so many more resources that can help you on your journey.

    The RC Team


    The Recovery College is an educational learning environment for people who have an interest in, or personal difficulties with, mental health.

    All of our sessions are created with people who have lived experience of challenges with their own mental health along with carers and healthcare professionals.

    You do not need any formal qualifications or experience to attend the college. All of our courses are free of charge and open to anyone, aged 18 and over.

    If you would like to enrol with us here at The Recovery College, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0121 543 4061. 

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