At the Recovery College our team has expanded over the last year. Everyone brings their own strengths, personalities and lived experience. As our team grows we want to help you get to know us!
Introducing the Fabulous Freya one of the newer members of the RC team.
Describe your Job Role here at the college
My role within the Recovery College is a Learning Support Assistant. Within this role I get to support people in a one to one setting in order aid students with any questions/ queries they may want to discover and answer, as well as any support they may wish to have with emotional wellbeing. As well as this I get to take part in sessions!
What do you enjoy about your role?
My favourite part about my role so far is having the opportunity to meet so many amazing people on a daily basis who inspire myself and many other people to take control of their own personal recovery journey.
What are you looking forward to?
I am looking forward to delivering the new student workshops which the LSA team have been working very hard on producing. These workshops will involve a small amount of sessions on a variety of subjects which can all help to improve our overall wellbeing.
Thank you to Freya for answering these questions.
Make sure you keep connected to the blog to see our next Day in the Life!
The RC Team
The Recovery College is an educational learning environment for people who have an interest in, or personal difficulties with, mental health.
All of our sessions are created with people who have lived experience of challenges with their own mental health along with carers and healthcare professionals.
You do not need any formal qualifications or experience to attend the college. All of our courses are free of charge and open to anyone, aged 18 and over.
If you would like to enrol with us here at The Recovery College, email
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