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    A Day in the Life Of...Neil Farrington

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    At the Recovery College our team is really tightly knit, with plenty of understanding and caring individuals dedicated to your recovery journey. And today's Q + A is with one of the very best: Neil Farrington! 

    1) What is your job role and what subjects do you cover?

    Facilitator – and I cover a number of courses, primarily these focus on mental health and wellbeing but I have also been facilitating creative writing and digital skills. I am 49 years old, have worked in Health and Social Care for 30 years, managing different services such as mental health crisis unit, residential unit for younger adults with profound physical disabilities and emergency response. I have owned my own company providing home care services to people in their own homes in the community and also gained my teaching qualification in 2016 and have taught at different colleges.

    2) Name something you love about working at the Recovery College.

    I think my enjoyment stems from hearing the personal stories of the students and how they have benefited from attending the college and how it has positively impacted on their lives. It is also great to be back in a position where I do not have to worry about the responsibility of managing staff but can focus my skill set on working with individuals and aiding in their recovery pathway and learning.

    3) What's next? 

    I am currently working on a new course with my colleague Hazel, and looking forward to finalising this. Excited to see how the College continues to grow and improve especially in relation to the opening of the Walsall base. 

    Absolutely superb, Neil! Thank you! 

    If you would like to know more about what we do and what can offer you email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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