Our blog

    Open Afternoon in Dudley, 8th August


    Come and join us for a Drop In Open Afternoon with the Recovery College this Thursday between 2pm-4.30pm. There will be a relaxed Information Session with our marketing team, outlining what a Recovery College is, what we do, our philosophy and the student journey. There will be plenty of opportunities to meet the team and join our Question and Answ...

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      375 Hits

    Base openings at DY1 Community Centre and Quayside House

    DY1 Dream Team!

    We had fantastic openings at both DY1 Community Centre, Dudley and Quayside House in Oldbury yesterday. Thank you to everyone who came for a slice of cake, a cuppa and shared in our activities - including taster sessions. There's still so much to look forward to as we move forward!Don't forget we have two further openings on Monday: ...

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    Dementia Cafe in Dudley

    Dementia Cafe, Dudley

    Dementia 'Cafes' are informal support meetings for people living at home with dementia and for their friends/family/carers to attend together. People with dementia sometimes attend alone if they can make their way to and from the venue by themselves. The cafe takes place at DY1 building, Stafford Street Dudley DY1 1RT. The next cafe will run on Tue...

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    Living Well Project, Dudley

    Living Well Sessions, Dudley

    Are you a migrant or from an ethnic minority community? Are you looking to improve your parental skills? Do you want to voice your concerns to health professionals? If Yes, This Living Well Project is designed to support you to understand/participate in health and well-being activities, gain skills in parenting and developing the confidence to enga...

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