Whilst the festive period can be a joyous time for some for others this time of year can feel more stressful. If you struggle with mental health over the festive period, we have written this blog post for you to come to when you need support whilst The Recovery College is closed.
Some things you can do to keep yourself well in this time:
During the busyness of this season it is important to find a moment of calm, do an activity you enjoy like spending time in nature, watching your favourite film, spend time with your pets. Remember to practice self-care.
Here are some helpful websites:
Mind - Tips for coping during Christmas
If you're finding things hard this winter
How to Maintain Your Mental Health in Winter
Access The Recovery College Hub here: RC Hub
It is full of resources you can use whilst The Recovery College is closed and throughout the year.
If you need support over Christmas please use this poster below detailing help lines open throughout the day.
The NHS Mental Crisis helpline is open 24/7, Call 111 (Option 2)
Shout have a text service that offers support 24/7, Text 85258
The Recovery College will be closed from 24-27th December, 31st December and 1st January. We will be open as normal from 2nd January.
The RC Team
The Recovery College is an educational learning environment for people who have an interest in, or personal difficulties with, mental health.
All of our sessions are created with people who have lived experience of challenges with their own mental health along with carers and healthcare professionals.
You do not need any formal qualifications or experience to attend the college. All of our courses are free of charge and open to anyone, aged 18 and over.
If you would like to enrol with us here at The Recovery College, email
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