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    Come and join The Recovery College


    Calling all new students to come and join The Recovery College to gain knowledge and improve your mental health or support others with improving theirs. All you need to do is contact the college and we will guide you through the enrolment process.

    Once you have sent in your enrolment form we can book you on to one of our information enrolment sessions which will be running from 27th November to 22nd December 2023.

    The session will be talking though what we do as a college and how we can support you, looking at the course we offer as well as giving you the opportunity to meet some of our staff.

    You will have the opportunity to book a 1-1 appointment with our staff at the end of the session to discuss your individual journey and needs.

    Please contact our team for more information and to book on.

    Tel: 0121 543 4061

    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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