


    (Five Week Course)

    We would love you to join us as we Zoom together for a weekly cuppa and enjoy poems on a variety of themes in a relaxed and friendly space.

    We’ve found that we get a lot out of just simply sharing with the group poems we have read and enjoyed, and if a particular theme captures our imagination, we might sometimes even share one we have written ourselves.

    There is also an opportunity to do some research on poets by the famous and not so famous.


     Date  Time  Venue
    Every Wednesday 22nd May - 19th June 10.00am - 11:45am Dudley with online option


    For all sessions of Poetry at a glance, go here: Poetry Sessions, Dudley


    For further information about our courses be sure to contact us 0121 543 4061 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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