
    Cafe CHIME

    Cafe Chime for Website


    (Five Week Course)

    Cafe CHIME 

    In this five week course we will use each part to re-discover ourselves and feel more in control of our recovery. This is a more informal approach to our CHIME course.

    We will explore our goals, strengths, values, our identity to build our self-esteem and look at who, around us, can support our recovery.

    C      Connectedness – Who supports us?

    H      Hope and Optimism – Develop a mood board/plaque.

    I        Identity – How to build self esteem.

    M      Meaning and Purpose – Values, strengths and passion.

    E       Empowerment – Create a recovery ladder and set yourself some goals.


    Date Time Venue
    Every Tuesday 25th June - 23rd July 2.15pm - 4.00pm Zoom online


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