
Losing a loved one can be overwhelming and you may experience strong & painful emotions as you go through bereavement and grief. There is support available to help you manage your grief at this difficult time. Look inside this leaflet to find further information on services that can support you, and please don't hesitate to reach out. 

If you need someone to talk to speak with someone please ring our Black Country Mental Health Helpline on 0800 008 6516 (24/7 Helpline)

Monday's to Sunday's for 24 hours a day, call 0345 6460827

(Press 1 if you live in Sandwell or Wolverhampton and 2 if you live in Dudley or Walsall).

More information for organisations on their brochure below.

 Scan the QR code on the last page to find out ways to improve your mental health and wellbeing and get any other mental health support you need. 

Sandwell Better Mental Health | Healthy Sandwell