Celebrating world mental health day at The Recovery College. This year's theme being 'Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority.' ðŸ’š

This is a day to raise awareness globally to open up about our mental health, from how we look after our-selves, prioritizing self-care and our wellbeing. Mental Health is something that affects everyone like ourselves, families, friends, workplaces, as well as all communities and it impacts every one of us.

Which is why it's so important that we talk about things when we are struggling, knowing how to access help and support when we need too. Here at The Recovery College, we will be taking this day to reflect on how we look after our mental health and wellbeing in our everyday lives. 

Here are some tips on ways to look after your mental health 

  • Reaching out to family/friends or someone you trust – This could be like meeting up face to face going for a walk and a cup of coffee, having a chat over the phone or over video call. Talking things through with someone we trust, can make us feel less alone, in addition it may also change the way you feel about the situation when you have talked it through.

  • Sleep - Create a routine of what time you go to bed, that way your body will fall into the routine of when to go to bed. To help you relax try listening to some relaxing music, having a bath or meditation. Try to limit your use of electronic devices before bed as this can disturb your body clock making it harder for you to fall asleep.

  • Exercise - Exercise is a great way to not only improve your physical health but also benefits your mood and wellbeing. The RC Hub has a selection of resources for 'Improving my physical health.' this includes keep fit videos, apps, podcasts, fitness guides and more.

  • Eating healthily - Eating lots of colourful fruit and vegetables, but also making sure you treat yourself too.

  • Spending time in nature - This could be going out for a walk or visiting a park with a friend or family member. Doing some gardening to prepare for the spring. Being outside in nature is great for relieving feelings of stress, anxiety and physical health too.

  • Hobbies – Whether you're creative, like to read or cook. Hobbies can be a great way to relax and unwind. 

Let us know what ways you look after your mental health. 

Be sure to check out The RC Hub for more tips on how to look after your physical & mental wellbeing.

The RC Hub (therecoverycollege.co.uk)