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Relaxing and calming exercises

If you are feeling anxious, scared or panicked there are many things you can do to help yourself cope. A common – and natural – response to anxiety is to avoid what triggers your fear, so taking any action might make you feel more anxious at first. It can be difficult, but facing up to how anxiety makes you feel can be the first step in breaking the cycle of fear and insecurity. Here are some simple exercises you can try that might calm you down.

Take a break

Focus on your breathing

Listen to music

Spend some time in nature

Try active relaxation

Think of somewhere else

Try guided meditation

Get creative

How others get creative

"I've started a quilt... I'm not very good at sewing, so it forces my brain to focus on the task at hand, releasing my emotions into the fabric."

"I love writing... Sometimes it's better to just pretend that you are the character that you've created."

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